fashion friday: overalls

Born in 1992, I consider myself a full blown 90s kid all the way. I still remember the style trends with converse, frilly ankle socks, faded high-waisted jeans, the dreadful scrunchies and my absolute favorite, OVERALLS! I cannot even begin t describe to you all how excited I am that my favorite past time is trending this spring.

Lucky for me, my mom just gave me 2 pairs of her old overalls. I almost died. They need a little bit of work and giving them the old grunge look, but they will be FABULOUS! Below are some of my favorite looks with overalls:



I cannot handle the comfortable cuteness. I mean seriously, who doesn’t like overalls?! You don’t have to put hardly any effort into wearing them. Sounds like a winner to me! Some places carrying overalls right now are Old Navy, Target, and Forever21. Your best bet would probably be thrift stores though. Plus, they will already have a worn look!

Be on the lookout for this precious trend this spring. I know I will be fixing mine up this weekend and will definitely post a how-to  🙂

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fashion friday: my new obsession


BAUBLE BAR — seriously the best & most dangerous place for aspiring fashionistas. I got this “Jumbo Bloom Bib” last week for $20. YES, that’s it!

Bauble Bar is very similar to Francesca’s, but the fashion jewelry is better quality & much more affordable. OH and FREE SHIPPING!! I highly recommend signing up for their email list, you will get deals every week. Also, I really like how Bauble Bar has a point system — so, every time you purchase something, you get points towards your next purchase which can be redeemed for coupons.

All in all, it’s a sure winner in my book! I’m kind of obsessed. Special thanks to fashion blogger, Courtney Kerr, for getting me hooked! Click on the pic to be directed to the website & you’re welcome ladies 🙂

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fashion friday: floral blazers

Anyone that knows me, knows that I have a collection of blazers & am obsessed with bright floral prints. Needless to say, I am ecstatic about floral print blazers coming into the scene this Spring. They honestly just make me so happy! (Plus, I got one on super sale at Target this past summer and am dying to wear it)

Below are a few of my favorite looks & where to find them:

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All of these fabulous florals can be found at — and get this, they are all under $50 .00


From left to right, ASOS – $68 ,  LOFT – $70 ,  Nasty Gal – $58

Another great place to look is and I’m sure before we know it, Target, Old Navy & Forever 21 will have some as well.

So, make an appearance this Spring & bloom into your full potential ladies!

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the twisted modern day relationship


Looking back on just 5 years ago, I reflect and find that today’s modern dating world is quite twisted and humorous at the same time. It used to be that you would meet someone while out, exchange numbers and go on a date. Today, it is a whirlwind of mixed signals, assumptions and games.

Welcome to the modern dating world where . . .

A man & woman meet while drunkingly checking each other out at a bar.

The man makes some awful pickup line and says “You have the prettiest eyes” even though your eyes are just brown.

He asks for your number and in some cases just puts it in your phone and calls himself (that’s just weird).

You go home your separate ways and think about him all night (or at least I hope so).

The next day you have a text, Facebook friend request, Instagram follow and poke before noon.

Yep, that just happened. Sh*t just got real.

Before you know it, you both are obsessing over each other’s pages while agonizing over who likes who and “What are we?”

I could go on and on and by the way, these roles can totally be reversed. Girls are just as crazy. My point is that I miss the old days where people politely asked for numbers and gave genuine compliments and not loaded compliments all in hopes of a booty call.

I challenge each of you to break the normDON’T accept that friend request (I mean it’s only bad for you anyway and will lead to over-analyzing), DON’T send selfies to guys unless you are genuinely interested (seriously, that’s just cruel) and whatever you do  . . . make sure that whoever you decide to date is someone you can take home to mama!

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motivational quotes for dreaded mondays

Guess what?! It’s Monday again . . . and I am definitely feeling it today. I’m not sure why, but Mondays seriously have the worst effect on my mood and want to do anything. I mean really though, it’s just another day of the week right?! WRONG! It’s a dreadful day of the week where I am still recovering from my relaxing weekend and my mind has been left on my pillow at home.

MONDAYS SUCK!! Don’t you agree?! So I got to thinking about this with passion and figured I had to change this outlook or I might not make it to 5 pm. Pinterest was my go-to for motivational quotes that make you want to conquer the world. It’s amazing what 15 minutes on Pinterest will do to you!

Below I have put some of my all-time favorite quotes to help you get motivated:

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“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas A. Edison

“Never, never, never give up.” – Winston Churchill

Just remember, you are one hour closer to happy hour!! GO YOU!!

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fashion friday: trends for Spring 2014


I don’t know about all of you, but I am BEYOND READY for Spring weather. The bright colors, bare toes, flowers & sunshine . . . I need it in my life, as well as, the fashion trends that are coming with it. Last spring we saw lots of cutouts, lace and stripes. This year, it’s even better!

Below is what you and your wallet can look forward to in Spring 2014 —

  • PRETTY PASTELS – This is by far my favorite. Pastels are so complimentary to anyone’s skin tone and also give a nice touch of purity to any outfit.
  • WIDE-LEG TROUSERS – Bell bottoms making a comeback?! Close. This spring you can look forward to chic wide-legged trousers in linen and prints to wisp you away.
  • TEA-LENGTH SKIRTS – Oh, I just adore!! Tea-length skirts are longer skirts that can be paired with a crop top or tucked-in blouse. Twirl away ladies!!
  • CROPPED & BOMBER JACKETS – Look for cropped & collarless jackets to hit the stores soon. They will also have lots of prints to choose from. Also, the infamous bomber jacket will be making the scene. Pair either of these jackets with a nice pair of shorts or capris and call it a day.
  • GLADIATORS – I think gladiator sandals will always be trending. Many runway models have been paired with these. Especially, knee-high gladiators.

Spring 2014 is going to be one for the books. You mean I get to wear pastels & gladiators?! I’m already super anxious!

Get your pocketbooks ready ladies & happy Spring shopping!

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P.S. – I think tax-refunds come out this time of year for a reason. Go reward yourself for all of your hard work!!

acne SUCKS!

acne sucks

We’ve all heard those myths about eating too much chocolate will cause acne and apparently so will wearing makeup. WRONG! Although, it does seem that pretty much anything can cause a bad skin day. Among the people I talked to about this, it was by far the biggest problem everyone faced (pun intended folks). I think one of the worst things in the world is having a blemish on your face. It’s always going to be on your mind and of course, you think everyone is staring at you because of it.

Acne is truly a demon and unfortunately, a problem among even the most famous. I, once again, sought out to my friends and beauty gurus about what home remedies and products helped them with their skin when it came to acne and the feedback was mind-blowing!! I broke it up into two categories 1) Natural fixer-uppers and 2) Products you can buy:

Natural Fixer-Uppers:

  • Natalie H. – Oil of oregno! Literally the gift of the gods! I get capsules at Whole Foods & use the oil on blemishes or in-grown hairs & it’s cured that day!”
  • Me – “If I spot a zit forming, I put a dab of natural honey on it the night before and it dramatically shrinks in size.”
  • HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE — Beautiful skin is a direct reflection of how you treat your body. Put down the soda & pick up some water! (Cheaper anyway)

Products You Can Buy:

See, I knew they would be able to help a girl out! Be sure to click on the product names to find out where you can buy them — Thank you so much ladies for all of your insight! I could seriously research and talk about this stuff for hours.

If you have any other suggestions or beauty secrets, I would LOVE to hear from you and add you to the list! Feel free to comment below or tweet me @thePRprincesss (3 S’s)

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tips for dry-skinned peeps


As temperatures start to drop, my poor skin starts to hate me and scream for moisture. I’m pretty sure I have some of the driest skin in the entire world. I will cake on moisturizer before bed and still wake up cracked and peeling. Oh, the struggle right?!

I started thinking though . . . there is no way that I am the only girl with this problem. I sought out to my beauty experts on all of my social media channels and thank the Lord for some answers. FINALLY!!

But before I jump ahead, here are 5 tips that have helped me through these harsh winter months:

  1. Reducing the heat — Believe it or not, washing your face with too hot of water can cause your skin to dehydrate even more. I know it feels good, but lay off a little.
  2. Moisturize — Always always always put on moisturizer before bed and before makeup application. This will also help with keeping your makeup fresh longer.
  3. Exfoliate less — No, put that fancy scrub down. During winter months, you should limit any products with alcohol in it or any exfoliators. Your skin is already screaming for hydration. Don’t make it worse!
  4. Pop some pills – Not literally folks! But, some vitamins that will really help with your skin are vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E, vitamin C and Biotin. Most of these can be found in a women’s daily vitamin. Although, I do suggest prenatal vitamins. They are so much better for you!
  5. HYDRATE – Your skin is a direct reflection of what you eat and how you treat your body. WATER IS ESSENTIAL!! Drink as much water as you can during the day. You will see a HUGE difference.

After talking with some of my beauty gurus, a list was formed for great products for moisturizing skin:

Wow! What a great list?! Two of my personal favorites are EOS Lip Balm (amazeballs . . . literally) and Philosophy’s Miracle Worker moisturizer. Click the product name to be directed to where you can buy it 🙂 Special thanks to all of my fabulous ladies for revealing your beauty secrets — I know I will be trying them out!

Hang in there ladies . . . Spring is near!!

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