fashion friday: overalls

Born in 1992, I consider myself a full blown 90s kid all the way. I still remember the style trends with converse, frilly ankle socks, faded high-waisted jeans, the dreadful scrunchies and my absolute favorite, OVERALLS! I cannot even begin t describe to you all how excited I am that my favorite past time is trending this spring.

Lucky for me, my mom just gave me 2 pairs of her old overalls. I almost died. They need a little bit of work and giving them the old grunge look, but they will be FABULOUS! Below are some of my favorite looks with overalls:



I cannot handle the comfortable cuteness. I mean seriously, who doesn’t like overalls?! You don’t have to put hardly any effort into wearing them. Sounds like a winner to me! Some places carrying overalls right now are Old Navy, Target, and Forever21. Your best bet would probably be thrift stores though. Plus, they will already have a worn look!

Be on the lookout for this precious trend this spring. I know I will be fixing mine up this weekend and will definitely post a how-to  🙂

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