advice for PR newbies


So you’re a college graduate with a perfected portfolio and skills in social media and making the infamous ramen noodles. Let’s face it, you’re FRESH MEAT! haha okay not really! But as a fresh PR grad, where do you go next?! What should you know before the job hunt? CHILL! I’m here to help!

A little background: I graduated in May 2013 at 20 years old. Yeah, that’s scary! I barely knew what my signature cocktail was and I was being thrown into the real world where having a job was the only way to survive. Obviously, I made it and learned a lot of lessons along the way. Here’s my advice for the PR newbie:

  1. Brand yourself – Whether this be through a blog or a social media platform, know who you are and have that “brand” uniform throughout everything. Business cards, resume, you name it! An employer likes to see confidence . . . but don’t overdo it!
  2. Spring clean often – Do you have pics from a late night going out with your girlfriends? Maybe you were “white girl wasted?” Yeah, those pics needs to go NOW! Believe it or not, the rumors are true. Today’s employers will creep on your social media harder than any ex of yours. Employers want to know that you will carry on their mission and values in the work place as well as on a Friday night.
  3. Know PR – You’re probably thinking “‘I’ve got my degree, what more is there to know?” A LOT! I suggest following some PR blogs. Some of my favorite are,, and These ladies are only a few of the inspirational PR pros that I keep up with. This is a great place to learn new PR advances and build your own community of PR buddies. Twitter is also a great resource to get connected with PR tweeps all around the world.
  4. Stay informed – As PR pros, it’s imperative to stay up-to-date on issues and trends that affect the world around us. I, personally, use the ABC News app for my phone and when I get up and before I got to bed, I scroll through the feed.
  5. Have thick skin – Entering the professional world can be scary enough, but add self-doubt and criticism and it can be terrifying. There is ALWAYS room for improvement of your skills. When working with long-time PR pros, accept and show appreciation towards their advice. They are just trying to help. Remember, it’s not personal!
  6. Network – This doesn’t stop once you graduate. Networking will still be an active part of your roll in PR. Put yourself out there and get to know other professionals in the field. Who knows?! You may need them one day!
  7. Save everything – Invest in a high-storage USB drive to save all of your important projects. As you progress through your career, you will need to update your portfolio and life will be much easier if it is all saved!
  8. Have fun – Life is far too short. Don’t get too caught up in the lime light that you forget to enjoy yourself. You’re young . . . embrace it!

These are just a few of the lessons I have learned since being a PR professional. I still have SO MUCH to learn and look forward to the trials and tribulations along the way. Best of luck PR newbies! Show the world what you’re made of!

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being translucent within your brand


We have all heard the famous words of wisdom: “Honesty is the best policy.” Whether you are shopping in a store or conducting a PR campaign, these will ALWAYS be words to live by. In the world of public relations, being translucent within your brand is imperative to your success. 

For instance, what words come to your mind when thinking of your doctor? For me, I think of my doctor being smart, caring, helpful, trustworthy, honest and in a sense, my friend. All of the components that you find valuable in your doctor are the same components you want in your PR brand. You want your audiences to trust you for the answers. You want them to come to you for honesty. You want to be their friend.

This is especially important even in the hard times. Many brands make the mistake of trying to cover up their booboos. No matter how bad the situation may be, it is necessary to Tell the truth, Tell is all and Tell it fast! By doing this, yes, you will most likely face turmoil and backlash. But, in the end, your brand will be seen as one with moral value and one with the client’s best interest in mind.

Telling the truth is not always easy and can be extremely challenging when facing large audiences. As PR professionals, our role in society gets skewed on the daily. Many of us are seen as “truth-twisters” and “liars.” This stereotype needs to be put to rest, but the only way to do that is to work together for the greater good.

Please, do us all a favor and be honest.

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social media detox


Do you ever get that feeling of being overwhelmed by all of the social media?

Lately it seems as though I have noticed more and more how unhealthy it can be and how it can put a damper on relationships. I mean think about it — this friend vents about how upset they are about work while this friend announces an engagement and then this friend gets pissy at you because of something you commented on. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram —  YOU NAME IT! They are all taken too personally and should not define friendships. It’s really sad actually.

This past week, I shut myself off from the world. I deleted all of my social media apps on my phone and refused to get on until the weekend. This small step was so therapeutic. I found myself not caring about little unimportant things and focusing more on what is important to me. When I did finally sign onto Facebook, nothing was that interesting and it only solidified my new habit I am taking on.

Don’t get me wrong though . . . I do post 1-2 times during the weekend on Facebook/Instagram, but I always make sure that my posts are either a nice looking picture with a friend or something positive and uplifting. I enjoy spreading the good news and in my faith, that is what we are supposed to do. Some may disagree & dislike my posts, but I’m okay with that. Your social media platforms are for YOU and sharing what is important to YOU.

I challenge all of you to shut yourself off from social media during the week and see how much happier you are . . . if I am wrong, feel free to let me know! If you do get the urge to post, I challenge you to make it positive & enjoyable to others. I have had countless amounts of people say how much they appreciate my uplifting messages & spreading of good news.

Sometimes, it’s just what that friend needed to hear and that makes me happy!

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2013 was beyond good to me


I cannot believe that tomorrow starts 2014. Personally, I’ve always been a fan of the New Year hype. It’s a fresh start . . . a chance to set new goals & become a better you.

2013 was beyond good to me. I set three main goals when going into this year: 1) to be loved & love others, 2) to be successful and 3) to become a better me. For the first time ever, I am proud of where I am.

In 2013, I wanted to be loved and to love others. In the past, I hadn’t had the best of luck when it came to guys. I’ve dated all the crazies and selfish men you could think of, but I finally found my prince. He has been my best friend for over five years now and under my nose the entire time. Oh and the first guy my parents actually LOVE! I’ve never had someone truly love me, love my family and want to be involved in my dreams and aspirations. I could not be happier when it comes to this. With that, we moved in together, traveled here and there and got a precious puppy. Needless to say, life is good in the love department.

In 2013, I wanted to be successful. This meant graduating college with my B.A. in Public Relations, as well as, finding a job in my field. God sure did bless me this year. I graduated, landed a job in nonprofit PR a month later and also have had the most successful fundraising experience ever seen at my job. I went from a college student trying to pay the bills to a PR professional with my name in the paper. It still feels like a dream.

In 2013, I wanted to become a better me. After leaving a grocery store job I had been at for five years and landing a career, it was time to let go of the negativity around me, close doors and welcome new opportunities. I was given lots of support with all of my successes, but also much negativity when I started going places. Many so-called “friends” of mine were purely an illusion. I cut many ties with many people and now lead a very positive life. I am a better me because of it.

Overall, this past year has taught me what is important in life. It’s surely not how many friends I have or how much money I make, but instead it is what will further me and my dreams and the love of my family and close friends. Because of them, all of my goals were achieved in 2013.

I look forward to 2014. I want to travel, continue to work and dream my ass off and hopefully open a new chapter in my life. I thank God for all of the opportunities he has put in front of me, as well as, all of the obstacles. I am me because of Him.

Happy New Year dolls! Let’s make 2014 our best yet!

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work before friends


In college, friends seem to be the most important thing. When is the next social? She hooked up with who? In the real world, work comes before friends. Since making this transition in early July, it hasn’t been easy. There are many days I wish I could stay up late watching chick flicks with my best instead of going to bed at 10 o’clock. I’ve slowly transitioned from Social B to Busy B, but I’M OKAY WITH IT!

I never thought 6 months ago that I would say that, believe me. There comes a time when your priorities change and with that, so do some friends. I have gone through quite some change when it comes to who I consider friends.

“You have to choose your friends wisely. You can invest a lot in them and end up very hurt. Business is almost never a risk. If you work hard, you devote yourself, you’re going to get a positive reward.” – Lilly Ghalichi

This quote really stood out to me when watching my reality TV this week. (Yes, I am one of those people) This quote has evolved into my life. I’m no longer in college. The next social is my last concern. My close friends can be counted on one hand. When starting my full-time job, many so-called “friends” diminished from my life. I was told I thought I was better than them or you’re too busy. Truth is, yeah, I am busy . . . too busy for people who cannot be supportive. My attitude has changed and I continue to grow up every day and learn many hard lessons. In the end, I want to be successful and in order to do that I must work my tail off and one day I will see the result. True friends will understand that.

Currently, I am perfectly content with the people who have decided to go on this journey with me. I am ecstatic about my future, as well as, theirs. I write this to explain that whether you are drifting from a friend or fighting with another, true friends will always be revealed. Focus on work and get what you want out of life! Life is far too short to worry about people that don’t worry about you.

Special thanks to those people for sticking with me through thick & thin and always being supportive of my dreams. You know who you are!


fashion friday: “Suit & Tie”


JT has indeed said it best my friends! Although this pop sensation sings a mean tune, he also preaches words to live by. A collared shirt & slacks can go a long way in the world of PR. Professionalism is not only something that should be taught in the classroom, but it is something that is imperative to the success of your organization. We are not just writing our success story, but we are also writing our organization’s. In PR, we are the face of our organization. We are looked at on a daily basis; whether that be in the office writing a press release or in front of the camera making a statement. In return, one must always be PREPARED & PROFESSIONAL.

Lately, I have often found myself questioning the judgment of PR professionals and their choices on daily work attire. From flip-flops to tasteless skirts, I have seen it all! Ladies, my mama always told me and it’s a saying that I still live by today . . . “If you wouldn’t wear it to church, then don’t wear it at all.” Below, I have outlined various essentials that every woman should have in their closet:

1. Black slacks — I have not gone a single week where I did not thank Jesus for my black slacks.

2. Flats — I understand the need to have Kardashian high-heels, but there is no way in hell that you can be that productive in 6-inch stilettos. Be practical & save the hooker heels for a night out with the girls. (and no, flip-flops are not flats)

3. Cardigans — Cardigans will be your best friend in the work place. Not only is almost every office place cold, but all of those cute sleeveless tops that you have for summer can still be worn WITH A CARDIGAN! Bare shoulders are a NO NO ladies, no matter how hot it may be outside.

4. Skirts & Dresses — Please, make sure that they are the appropriate length & cover up the goodies. You know what I mean. No one wants to see your moon when you bend over!

5. Groom — Yeah, ain’t nobody got time for that . . . you better make time. Shave your legs, brush your teeth, and style your hair! Bed head, in fact, is not sexy on anyone but Jennifer Anniston. Keep dreaming!

This should give you a general overview on the expectations of professional attire . . . BUT WAIT! Men, you aren’t getting away unscathed. You, as well, have expectations to meet in the work force. Take a minute and check out my PR friend & style expert’s blog on insightful info to men’s attire at & tweet him @PRGuySy.

P.S. Lint brushes are a gift from God!

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